Meet Our Team

Kavita V. Bhagat

Certified Family Law Specialist, Family Lawyer, Accredited Mediator

Kavita V. Bhagat

Kavita V. Bhagat is recognized by the Law Society of Ontario as a Family Lawyer who has maintained exemplary standards of professional practice.

My practice is solution-oriented and where possible, supportive of alternative dispute resolution. I maintain a broad family law practice with an emphasis on complex business valuations, income determination, pensions and division of assets spanning multiple jurisdictions both domestic and abroad.

Kavita V. Bhagat is a strong advocate of early resolution through pre-Court negotiations. However, she recognizes that some disputes simply cannot be resolved through agreement and require her to skillfully run the matter through the Court system. She is committed to providing highly competent, cost effective services whilst never losing sight of the human dimensions and complexities that are involved in your Family Law dispute.

Kavita has practiced law for over 20 years. She practices exclusively in the area of Family Law and deals with a wide range of Family Law issues including the negotiation, mediation, arbitration and/or litigation of parenting and residential arrangements, child and spousal support, property division and the preparation of domestic contracts. Her practice has an emphasis on complex business valuations, income determination, pensions and division of assets spanning multiple jurisdictions both domestic and abroad.

As of 2021 Kavita serves as a member on the Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee. In February of 2015, she was designated as a Certified Specialist in Family Law by the Law Society of Ontario. The Certified Specialist Program recognizes members of the Law Society who have met established standards of experience and knowledge requirements in one or more designated areas of law and have maintained exemplary standards of professional practice. Kavita is an accredited Family Mediator, Arbitrator, Parenting Coordinator and a former Panel Lawyer for the Office of the Children’s Lawyer. She offers evaluative Voice of the Child Reports. She is also trained to provide Collaborative Family Law services.

Giving back to the community and the profession is important to Kavita. She is a former board member of the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO), past-President of the Peel Chapter of the Ontario Association of Family Mediators (OAFM), former board member Caledon Parent and Child Care Centre and former Director with Volunteer MBC . She currently serves as the Director of the Peel Law Association and treasurer for Peel Mediation Arbitration. She is a regular CPD presenter for the Ontario Bar Association as well as the Law Society of Ontario

She serves as a Coach and Advisor for fellow lawyers through the Law Society of Ontario and Legal Aid Ontario. She is an instructor to ADR students at York University. She has been actively involved in mentoring young lawyers, law clerks, high school students and new immigrants. Many of whom have utilized her training to establish their own successful practices or careers at prominent firms across the Greater Toronto Area.

Majority of her clients come to her as a result of referrals from other lawyers or from former clients. Over the years, she has worked closely with several community agencies to provide legal assistance to victims of abuse. Often victims revert to their mother tongue to express their deepest thoughts; her ability to speak five south Asian languages ensures that she is able to elicit the information needed.

Certified Family Law Specialist

Kavita is the only Certified Specialist in Family Law in Brampton, one of only two in the Peel Region.

“The Certified Specialist Program recognizes members of the Law Society who have met established standards of experience and knowledge requirements in one or more designated areas of law and have maintained exemplary standards of professional practice.”

As a Certified Specialist in Family Law, Kavita has the expertise and a proven track record to assist with your Family Law Litigation. Kavita also has several reported decisions to her credit.

Recent Reported Decisions